To the Irritated Wife . . .

Dear Irritated Wife, If pretty much everything your husband does irritates you, this letter is for you. Remember when you were first in love with him and he made you smile nonstop? His jokes were hilarious and the sound of his voice made you melt. You could barely stand to be away from him and…

Blind Devotion: Now This Is True Love

I still remember one of our first arguments as newlyweds. “Kyle, the toilet is gross. Once the ring shows up, it means you waited too long to clean it. And I shouldn’t be the only one to do that.” “Wait, the ring means it’s dirty? I thought that’s just how our toilet was.” That meant…

Your To-do List Isn’t Cutting It

Before we got married, I had a pretty good idea of what a “good wife” looked like. She’s always willing to serve, she has a permanent smile, she’s driven, she sets aside time for her husband, she gives him her best, she’d to anything for him, and the list goes on. First off, that short…

Why You Should Balance Truth with Love

Truth and love should go hand in hand when we communicate with our spouses. Without that powerful balance, we can run into a lot of strife. If we only speak truth, without love backing up our words, we can damage closeness. If we speak only in love without any real truth, we won’t see much…

Do You Still Love Me?

Last week there was something in the air It felt like I was having to discipline the kids more than usual. I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by it. It seemed like every ten minutes the kids were fighting or being disrespectful. All of my best efforts were proving useless. You know those…

Love is a Verb

An amazing truth has recently settled around my heart like a warm blanket. It took twenty one years for me to see it clearly. I don’t know if it dawned on me all at once, or just sort of slowly made it’s way in. People show love for others in their own way. They really,…