Just Spell It Out for Him

Marriage Tayler Beede December 19, 2013

You know the feeling. Your husband is doing something that’s driving you crazy. Maybe it’s something as little as getting ready and throwing his clothes on the floor. Or he’s leaving without kissing you goodbye. Or he isn’t helping you with dinner or housework.

You let him do it. You decide not to say anything, so you can prove a point afterwards. You let him go through with the whole thing.

It’s just that simple, right?

I might be going out on a limb here, but I’m guessing I’m not the *only* one.

Honestly, it never works out. I’m not sure why I always think it will. I’ll just let him do it, call him on the carpet, and he’ll realize how wrong he was. (If only, right?) Instead of calmly asking him to help, or whatever it is I want him to do, I blatantly cause an argument. Sometimes I just enjoy calling him on the carpet after the fact.

Heck, sometimes I drop so many hints that I figure he has to figure it out. Or maybe I’ve told him a thousand times already. He should know by now. But it’s not quite that simple—not at all.

Spell. It. Out. For. Him.

Unless you’re in the middle of another spat, chances are he isn’t doing it just to annoy you. Either he has a reason (which you can work through), or he doesn’t realize. I’m often surprised at how common the latter is. And it’s pretty easy just to ask him to help you, or to do whatever it is you’re tempted to get mad at him for later.

It can’t hurt to ask. It can’t make matters worse to calmly get the conversation started. (emphasis on calmly.) You might be surprised by how simple it can be.

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” —1 Peter 4:8

Instead of striving to prove a point, love him as deeply and as unconditionally as you can. Give him the chance to simply ease your frustrations. It’s a lot easier that way.