You’re a Good Wife

Marriage Tayler Beede March 12, 2013

Sometimes it’s easier to feel like a failure than it is to feel as though I’m as good of a wife as those surrounding me.

Part of this is a result of a the facade I see on social media, and part of it is a result of having such high expectations for myself. I see all of the wonderful things other wives are doing for their husbands, and I can’t help but feel completely overwhelmed at the thought of doing all of those things on top of work, school, and just, well, life.

Recently I asked Kyle what I could do to be the best wife for him. He simply said “Be supportive of me, and believe in me—no matter what.” That’s it? I thought to myself. Well, that’s simple enough. Here I was, setting unrealistic expectations for myself, ones that he wasn’t even expecting. All he wants is for me to be supportive of him, and everything else is a plus!

I’m sure I can’t be the only one who has days of failure as a wife. And I want you to know that you’re a good wife. You may not always have the perfect words to say, you might not always  feel as beautiful as you’d like, and you might not always have the calmest or kindest disposition. You might yell sometimes, and you might wish you were more spontaneous, or romantic, or that you didn’t still have lingerie with the tags on it in that top drawer. Maybe you disappointed your husband, said some unpleasant things, or got a little more naggy than normal.

Marriage is the union of two sinners—and you’re bound to let him down.

There are a lot of things love is, but unless we’re talking about God’s love for us, perfect isn’t one of them. The fact that you’re being so hard on yourself probably means that you genuinely love your husband. It means you’re willing to fall on your face time and time again in order to eventually get better at this whole wife thing. It means you’re right on track, and that you’re a good wife

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” —2 Corinthians 3:18

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