A Letter from Fred {A Beautiful Marriage Story & Song}

Marriage Tayler Beede August 29, 2013

I don’t cry much, and this video had me in tears! The love that this couple had developed over the course of 75 years is so inspiring.

The part that really stood out to me, was when he talks about how lucky he felt that his wife gave him 75 years of her life. He viewed their time together as a gift from her. He spoke of it as a dream.

This got me thinking . . . what would Kyle and I remember 75 years from now? I’m sure Fred and Lorianne had their fights—but that’s not what he looks back and remembers. He looks back and misses her beauty, her smile, the way she laughed. He longs just to have her near him again.

I think there are two main takeaways from this video: don’t take each other for granted, and don’t sweat the small stuff. Are you fretting over something that will seem important 75 years down the road? If not, let it go. Truly enjoy the time you have with your husband. Your marriage is a gift—enjoy every minute you have!

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